The classification video games has been bracken down in many areas.There are PC,systems,and portable.These are the basic types but there are more way to classify games.They also do it by ratings like rated M=mature,T=teen,E=everyone,E10+=everyone over 10,& AO= 18 and up.
These ratings are there to stop any one from buying them that should not play them.The way they get these ratings is how much killing,blood,language,& graphic.
Mikey Mike...:)
I think that theres enough violence in the world today that parents and other people shouldn't be worried about video games. Video games are just a depiction of what really goes on. Violent games never affected how I acted or what I did, so I don't really think they affect people at all that much.
I think its right to rate games because not ever parent want there kids playing video game that have killing and shotting in them.I no if I was a parent i wouldnt want my kids playng games like gta 4.
cory moser
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