Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Organ Donation;Does It Help To Be Rich? (blg3)

Today as I was searching the Internet originally looking for general information on Organ Donation Issues.But I found some interesting information. The title of the article I discovered was called "Need an organ? It helps to be rich". This immediately grasped my attention and I began to read the interesting article. Although my original intentions were to find some Issues that organ donors have. I do not regret finding this site because it lead to me some answers to questions that I had.

Throughout this article, It unfolds some disappointing information. It is said that the value of the actual organ is more than the physical operation itself. My question to those doctors around the world is that, If a human becomes an organ donor, or even a dead person that donates his / her organs "For Free". Then why is it that the doctors charge patients for the actual organ? Why is it more expensive than the actual procedure. Victory, Joy

Victory , Joy. "Need an organ? It Helps To Be Rich.." ABC NEWS 01 20 2006 05 16 2008 .


bizzy said...

i found this post to be very interesting. I have a sister who had a heart and kidney transplant and even though that wasn't the case 4 her i have heard of cases like this from "UPSTATE DONORS" and even a friend of my sister. "NICE"

MiSS CLARK said...

I find this post interesting. My sister has kidneys that are slowly decinigrating, and if I could do anything in the world, it would be to donate one of mine to her. But back to the actual topic, people everywhere, everyday go to jail for buying organs on the "Black Market." So if its so wrong where these people go to jail for it, why are doctors allowed to charge people for the organs, especially when they don't even belong to them?!

anthonyw said...

Japhet I find your blog very attractive to my eyes while reading your log I found that donating an organ can make you rich. As you were reading this article did you think of being an donor?. After reading this I also found out about the organ being more expensive then than the operation. Thats crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!