Friday, December 7, 2007

Asking a Question

If I would to meet the main character/narrator (Annette) of God Still Dont Like Ugly by Mary Monroe, I ask her a few questions. How can you continue to allow Mr. Boatwright to sexual abuse you for ten years starting when you were only seven years old. I would also ask her why wouldn't you tell your mother or any other aduld that can help you. Why would you allow him to control your body and how you though of yourself far after he's gone.
Although I have never experance being sexualy abused myself when I was younger my mother would make me watch movie's about women who were raped or molested. After the movie she would always tell me. " If anything ever happens to you don't be afraid to tell me because I will always protect you." That's how I was raised that, if I ever had a problem I can go to my mother and she would protect me.
Even though my mother never suspecting anyone in my family of being a child melester she would never let none of my sisters or I to spend to much time with men because she never wanted anyone have a chance to have their way with any of us. My mother kepted her word she protected us.

1 comment:

Mr. Malley said...

Ayanna....that sounds like a great approach by your mother. I know that in a lot of cases molesters make their victims feel like THEY did something wrong or make threats if they reveal the truth.